digipack inside

Monday 14 November 2011

feedback : music video

The audience who reviewed our rough cut of 'I'm 17' gave some valuable criticisms and some feedback about the sequence. The general response was that the main artist has good mise-en-scene as the costume and general presentation accurately represent the steroetype of a teenage boy. One criticism was that the lighting in the bedroom can cast too much shaddow on the artist's neck and parts of the face. We will look to address this by using a light  relfector if a re-shoot is done so that the light is not concentrated around the face and is more evenly distributed.

The camera angles in general had good reception as we used a range of shot including the over the shoulder low angle and high angle. The audience were particularly  impressed by the camera shock as we successfully managed to get the angle almost head on without capturing the camera in the mirror. One of the criticisms of the camera work was that the zoom were not taken out with the editing so that will have to be addressed in the final cut.

The performance  may reqiure some altering as some of the footage lacked energy and camera interaction. One of the suggestions was that a second performer could be added to create a different dimension and add to the performance part of the video. The feedback has all been taken into account and will be addressed in the next cut of the video so improve th final product.

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