well this is last you post you will read so I thought I would make it good. This blog contains the steady rise of the ancillary tasks and of course the final product. I hope that you have enjoyed this journey as much as we did creating to video, editing the photos and seeing the buzz created by this.
Until I make it big peace out Joshua Stewart AKA Iceburg
digipack inside
Thursday, 8 December 2011
evaluation 4 (unfinished)
How did you use new media technologies in the construction and research, planning and evaluation stages?
I put together this collage to show the icons of the websites and programs and equipment that I have used over the course of the project.
We used Prezi to create a couple of presentations during this project, including the presentation for our initial music video pitch. This website was useful for creating suave and interactive pitches, and offers something different compared to normal presentation features such as 'paths'.
Google was a useful website during the research stages of our project as it allowed us to search for other websites such as the Atlantic Records website and Island records.
Photoshop was a vital tool in our process as a key program due to using it to add all the text and effects on the images for our digipak and the magazine advert.
Blogger was obviously a key website for us, as this is where our progress was tracked and all our tasks can be found at different stages of completion. Without Blogger it would be impossible to track our progress and there would be no forum to post our work.
Twitter is a website which became the spine for our market research Matthew used it to post the final cut of our video to his followers followers and request feedback via Youtube comments.This was then echoed via the use of my tumblr account to gage a wider response . This was a useful method to reach a large audience as many tweeters are active web users and are likely to have access to YouTube so they could comment.
Youtube then became very useful as it was used it to upload rough cuts of our video and other key videos such as our director's commentaries. Youtube is popular due to its high quality streaming which is why we chose to use it, and the comments section allowed us to recieve easy and direct feedback.
Finally, the key program we used throughout this project was Final Cut Express. This program was essential for editing videos and we used it to create our rough cuts, our final cuts, our director's commentaries, and our audience feedback videos. All the effects visible in our final cut such as the earthquake effect and defocus effect, were added to clips via Final Cut Express.
We used a light reflector for some of our shots in order to improve the lighting and direct it in a specific way. The main scene we used this in was the scene of Josh rapping in his bedroom, as we directed the shine from the ceiling light onto his face for better effect.
The tripod was vital as it allowed us to get steady, professional looking shots, especially in the music booth, which is where we used it most, with handheld shots being appropriate for much of the rest of our video.
The dolly was not used much in our video, however it proved useful for the shot of Josh taking out his iPod in his house as he walked towards the camera, we were then able to do a great front on tracking shot. Using the dolly and tripod together meant that our shot could remain steady but also enabled camera movement.
The most important piece of equipment was the camera of course! We used a Canon HD video camera in order to record all of our shots, which we then uploaded to the Mac via usb, before log and transferring the footage into Final Cut Express. This piece of equipment was irreplacable and vital to our success. The camera was good because it was hand held with great focus, meaning it was easy to manouvere during quick take shots, and also the detachable piece of plastic seen on the bottom allowed the camera to be attached to a tripod when necessary. We also took pictures for our digipak on this camera, using the photo function. This gave the pictures a great definition, and were great quality compared to what most digital cameras are capable of.
evaluation 3
By using the feedback from our questionaire from Matthew's initial research. From this feedback we were able to proceed with our process of creating and developing our artist Iceburg.
After reading and processing our feedback we put together this compilation of the journey of our video and ancillary tasks.This video shows the development of our digipack as it took several edits before we were satisfied that we covered all that could and it was aesthetically pleasing.
Feedback for our rough cut can be archived from on earlier posts.
from this we constructed a director's commentary Matthew and myself about the Rough Cut of Matthew's edit which was very similar to mine and Manan's.
We received a mixed reception for the shot of our dogs, some liked it but some of our target audience didn't. We were advised to use more shots of Josh from lower angles as we used one in an earlier rough cut which worked really well. We were also advised to remove the blur affect that was put in as it looked like we lost control of the camera rather than the effect we were aiming for which was to make it look as if the point of view was coming from someone who was drunk. Some of the lip syncing wasn't perfect, therefore we decided to cut some clips where Iceburg forgets his lyrics and add footage of him walking and acting up to the camera instead.
For the purpose of gaining crucial advise of how to improve and rectify the mistakes made in the rough cut we shared a copy of the video via facebook.
This was the director's commentary of Manan and Matthew talking about the final cut which was edited after taking into consideration the comments from our first feedback.
Tuesday, 6 December 2011
Friday, 2 December 2011
Front cover final
Here the finished front cover of our digipak. This image was taken against a plain white wall as we wanted it to isolate our artist just in case we decided to create an imaginer background. In the end we decided we didn't want any unnecessary objects or designs in the front cover. This is because we want the focus to be on our artist Iceburg keeping it simple was the best way of doing so. This is because he as a brand new artist and we needed him to be instantly recognizable for his fans and genre. The changes we have made since our last edit are that we have moved the 'Parental Adivsory' logo to the left and we have also taken it in slightly so that it isn't touching the corner of the cover. Again, from our digipak reseach, we found that the Parental Advisory logo is always slightly brought in and is never touching the edges of the cover. Our feedback also told us that the right side of the cover was 'too plain' and it would be better if we weren't stealing focus from Iceburg's with the Parental Advisory sign. Our artist name and album name are clear and bold with the font we brought in from the previous design. We used the blueish colour to represent the 'icy' theme he brings to the table. We put the artist name beside the artists face, while the album name was much lower down towards his body. This was because our feedback said that this works well because if the artist and album name were closer together the cover would look more bland and that this way we fill in the gaps better. Overall we as a group are happy with our front cover as we believe it looks professional yet simple as we haven't done anything fancy because Iceburg is a debut artist and still needs to establish himself on the scene.
back cover: final
This is the finished back cover for our digipak. We used a shot from the recording session of Iceburg hard at firing in the booth for our back cover as it looked like a nice 'real' shot as opposed to all the purposeful poses in the other pictures. We decided to use the black paper on the wall as a background for the track list as conviently in the background, so we capitalised on the opportunity. This worked out well as there was nowhere else we could have written the tracklist without using a different shot for our back cover. In the bottom right is the barcode. We believe this placement and size is accurate based on other albums and digipaks we researched. We put in the Atlantic Records logo next to this as we noticed label's logos often appear on the back cover of albums and digipacks. The website remained at the bottom in a font which fits in with the other white text and logos. This is followed by a copyright symbol which is a legal requirement which we failed to remember on the original drafts. Finally, we have inserted the Dolby Digital logo as we noticed that this appeared on the back cover of many CDs , so to make our product have the perfect verisimilitude we used all the necessary ingredients.
Thursday, 1 December 2011
edited digipack panels
From the initial presentation of the digipack outside panel some alterations have been made. The panel of the front cover has been moved from left to right as we didn't realise that we had misunderstood the template and had the panels in the wrong order. the front cover also now has the parental advisory sign on the right rather than on the left because we noticed from other products that it appears on the right more often. The back cover was also edited as certain compulsory elements had not been taken into account. For example we did not include the 'Dolby Digital' label has now been included as on the initial copy it was missed out. We also chose to include the record label's symbol (Atlantic records) because on similar products both the record label and symbol were included. A spine has also been introduced as it was completely missed off the first draft. The spine simply consists of the artist's name and the album along with the record label and isbn number as it is a legal requirement to include the isbn.
Monday, 28 November 2011
filming: house sequence
The process for the two house sequence is final part of our sequence after our planning for the video initial cut was decided. the sequence will involve more narrative and less lip syncing as we have already used the booth sequence for the lycing requirements. With incorperating the house sequence it will satisfy the criteria of our hybrid video of performance and narrative.
Friday, 25 November 2011
record label: the decision
we chose Atlantic Records as they seemed to have less big artists, which means they would have time to develop the ones they do have.
Atlantic Records' parent company is Warner Music Group, whom are widely seen as the second biggest record label in the world and are constantly in contention with the other major labels: Sony Music Entertainment, Universal Music Group, and EMI who prior to late 2011 would be regarded as one of the major labels.
Atlantic Records is an American label founded in 1947 by Ahmet Ertegun and Herb Abramson. It was in 1967 that Warner became their parent company. The label are most famous for being host to many major rock acts over the years such as Led Zeppelin and The Rolling Stones, and also helping the evolution of African-American music, as they held such talents as Ben E. King (best known for 'Stand By Me') and Ray Charles (best known for 'Hit The Road, Jack') in the prime of their careers. Currently their most popular artists are of the urban genre, as their website mainly promotes rappers; Wiz Khalifa (similar style to our artist) and T.I as well as RnB star Trey Songz. With such a convincing range of talent we were sure that Iceburg would fit in nicely at Atlantic records.
Atlantic Records' parent company is Warner Music Group, whom are widely seen as the second biggest record label in the world and are constantly in contention with the other major labels: Sony Music Entertainment, Universal Music Group, and EMI who prior to late 2011 would be regarded as one of the major labels.
Atlantic Records is an American label founded in 1947 by Ahmet Ertegun and Herb Abramson. It was in 1967 that Warner became their parent company. The label are most famous for being host to many major rock acts over the years such as Led Zeppelin and The Rolling Stones, and also helping the evolution of African-American music, as they held such talents as Ben E. King (best known for 'Stand By Me') and Ray Charles (best known for 'Hit The Road, Jack') in the prime of their careers. Currently their most popular artists are of the urban genre, as their website mainly promotes rappers; Wiz Khalifa (similar style to our artist) and T.I as well as RnB star Trey Songz. With such a convincing range of talent we were sure that Iceburg would fit in nicely at Atlantic records.
'its Rizz'
At the start of the song which we have created a video for the first words are its 'Rizz' and our tracklisting, features the title 'It's Rizz!' while our artist is signed under the title Iceburg, This is simply the name we have chosen to present. Many rappers have alternative names, for example UK rapper Wiley also goes by the name 'Esky boi', and Eminem of course is also known as 'Slim Shady', we decided that we would use the name Iceburg to promote our artists instead of his alternative 'Rizz'
Thursday, 24 November 2011
video latest edit
this is our video after taking into account the feedback from the primary audience and with new footage to try and hit the new objectives.
digipack outside panels
This is the outside panels of my CD digipack which was developed and edited on photoshop, and unlike the inner layers it send out a more business message.
The first picture(front cover) is very unorthodox as we see Iceburg doing up his jacket from the top... he clearly doesn't conform which sends out a message like other artists including ed sheeran whose album cover showed simply his face with no other information making the target market have to listen to his music to see what he is about.The text is sharp and stands out on the white background so that it is easy to read after receiving feedback saying that the title and artist name couldn't be distinguished we chose to spread it out so that it is very clear that we can tell which is which. the explicit content was a label requirement as we have to inform the consumer that the lyrics may be more than they expected.
The second shot (back cover) shows off the more business end of the album we see the artist in the studio as if busy at work. this shot was taken from the set for the music video 'Im 17' but because of the effectiveness it was promoted to the digipack. the tracklist is from the left because of the back backdrop which conveniently was in the studio and greatly contrasted with the font colour and style.
The third panel is similar to that of the inner panels and shows the mise-en-scene of the artist that i have developed. The hi top trainers and the jeans are the only items that can be seen on a seemingly invisible background this is because using the art of contrast (and the magic wand) the background was feathered out and brought emphasis onto the two items in focus.
digipack inside panels
For my digipack i have decided to make a six panel cd case to try and promote and expose 'Iceburg' as much as possible. These pictures are to show off the swagg and personality of our artist so that the fans can get to know the artist. The first picture (left to right) shows Iceburg in a serious thoughtful pose, although the promotion song from the album shows a lot of vanity part of common new english rap image is serious mixed with fun. The serious pose shows that he can be a more down to earth performer. The middle picture where the CD would sit is a close up of the artist in a similar way that Wretch 32 is shown on the cover on 'Black and White' as a similar we chose this shot so that we could market from the same angle. The the last picture shows the artist sitting on the corner of fountain. this is to reflect and remind the fans that he is one of them a boy still in college chilling doing what he enjoys.
Wednesday, 23 November 2011
possible digipack pictures
The first picture is of the artist 'Iceburg' sitting in a thoughtful pose on the edge a fountain in a stereotypical pop culture pose.
This shot is a high angle of 'Iceburg'. The digipack needs to show a lot of the artist as it is his first album so the desired image needs to be promoted.
This shot is a close up of the artist's trainers. We may include to use this shot to show off the swagger of the artist to again promote the desired image.
Monday, 21 November 2011
label research
After the creation of Iceburg it was time to find an appropriate label to enter talks with about possible promotion and this meant going into depth on searching for the right label. As the rap hybrid genre was becoming more popular it was a good idea to start looking at some of the more commercial labels that would possibly sign him.
The label we looked at was 'Atlantic Records' because of its success and fame for producing successful artists's such as 'Wiz Khalifa' and 'Lupe Fiasco'. "Over its first 20 years of operation Atlantic earned a reputation as one of the most important American independent recording labels, specializing in jazz, R&B and soul recordings by African-American artists, " With credentials such as these and with their market expanding to the UK this seemed like a sensible label to use for the purpose of this task. As Lupe Fiasco showed with his debut album it was possible to mix the idea of rap with rock beats, The potential was spotted and Atlantic records chose to distribute this artist's music and with Iceburg being of a similar mould in a generally new market this gave him the opportunity to follow a similar pathway.
As Atlantic Records is a predominantly American label with UK links we thought it would make sense to look at other labels closer to home. This lead to the attraction of 'Island Records' which "is a record label that was founded by Chris Blackwell in Jamaica. It was based in the United Kingdom for many years and is now owned by Universal Music Group. The label now operates as a division of The Island Def Jam Motown Music Group in the United States (where it is now a largely rock-oriented label, much like in its heyday) and as a standalone label in the United Kingdom (also known as Island Records Group or Universal Island).Since 2007, there is also a frontline local artist and repertoire label in Australia known as Island Records Australia, run by Universal Music Australia. Island Records was also the founding company behind the highly influential Anime licensor Manga Entertainment, which has changed hands numerous times during the 90's and early 2000's" and has a more recent record of producing UK artists. With success stories such as 'Rizzle Kicks' on their books this was the logical path if we were to try and tackle the UK market. However as it was a rock based label we were not sure that it would such a great idea. This was still a possibility however.
The avenue of looking at a UK grime label was also explored as the new interest and commercialisation of this genre meant that the market was fast growing and contained our target audience. With Wiley and Skepta becoming growingly popular the idea of singing with 'Boy Better Know' became more appetising. "The band and label were established by Jamie Adenuga (born 4 May 1985). "Boy Better Know" is a registered trademark, clothing line and Boy Better Know sim cards.In 2008, they pioneered a short-lived dance fad called the "Rolex Sweep" which accompanied the song of the same name by Skepta. The song and dance was later referenced by Chris Martin of Coldplay during a rendition of "In My Place" at Brixton Academy". With an advertising plan and commodity ideas already in place this label had a strong appeal as with a pioneering label in place this made a strong point for being considered as being a debut artist on a label surrounded by newly found success the fan base would have already been in place. This could have been a risky move as the general hype around the label could have died quickly and this would mean our artist would have a limited opportunity and may not make it. Similarly Professor Green's first record contract fell through when the label went bust meaning he could not legally release anything that he recorded with them and had to start his career effectively from scratch.


All three of these labels made a strong point for consideration which we would late have to address for our artist's journey to progress.
Thursday, 17 November 2011
narrative shoot
we decided to add a fresh sequence into our music video after the general consensus was that the scene in the booth was repetitive. Our response was to use one of the initial sequences from the planning part of the project which was 'the streets'. With artists such as Devlin and Wretch 32 developing there style from street video were they rap and interact with the camera we decided to mimic this.
Wednesday, 16 November 2011
mag ad latest draft
This is our magazine advert to promote our artist Iceburg's debut album. We used a large picture of the artist which shows his face and his style in fashion which allows fans to judge him based on his appearance and get an idea of what genre his music could be (jeans, trainers and baseball jacket are likely to represent urban pop or rap). This is conventional for a young urban artist who is not yet established, with such artists as Wretch 32 and Ed Sheeran using similar images.
We put the name of our artist at the top to clearly let people know, and the name of the album so that people can search it or identify it when they see it in stores or online.
The text for this is bold and stands out from the rest of the poster so it is easy for the consumer to see when the album is available.
The list of social and promotional information is clearly listed. Inlcuding the popular logos of HMV and i-tunes states where the album can be purchased. Putting such information on the poster is necessary toincrease chances of sales and alert the target market. The social network sites have also been used as a way of furthering the fanbase so that people can access future releases and follow the artist for information about concerts and possible free tracks.
Monday, 14 November 2011
feedback : music video
The audience who reviewed our rough cut of 'I'm 17' gave some valuable criticisms and some feedback about the sequence. The general response was that the main artist has good mise-en-scene as the costume and general presentation accurately represent the steroetype of a teenage boy. One criticism was that the lighting in the bedroom can cast too much shaddow on the artist's neck and parts of the face. We will look to address this by using a light relfector if a re-shoot is done so that the light is not concentrated around the face and is more evenly distributed.
The camera angles in general had good reception as we used a range of shot including the over the shoulder low angle and high angle. The audience were particularly impressed by the camera shock as we successfully managed to get the angle almost head on without capturing the camera in the mirror. One of the criticisms of the camera work was that the zoom were not taken out with the editing so that will have to be addressed in the final cut.
The performance may reqiure some altering as some of the footage lacked energy and camera interaction. One of the suggestions was that a second performer could be added to create a different dimension and add to the performance part of the video. The feedback has all been taken into account and will be addressed in the next cut of the video so improve th final product.
The camera angles in general had good reception as we used a range of shot including the over the shoulder low angle and high angle. The audience were particularly impressed by the camera shock as we successfully managed to get the angle almost head on without capturing the camera in the mirror. One of the criticisms of the camera work was that the zoom were not taken out with the editing so that will have to be addressed in the final cut.
The performance may reqiure some altering as some of the footage lacked energy and camera interaction. One of the suggestions was that a second performer could be added to create a different dimension and add to the performance part of the video. The feedback has all been taken into account and will be addressed in the next cut of the video so improve th final product.
Saturday, 12 November 2011
Friday, 11 November 2011
Vernallis analysis
The video is half performance based and half narrative.
The video starts off by showing off a boy who is lying on his bed thinking about his life while Kelly sits in the closet narrating his life It cuts between The boy's past experience of being bullied at school and Kelly sitting in various locations around school saying what he wished people knew about him before he has to make people notice. It shows how being quiet has had an effect because "good to get attention" and after the abuse he has seen his mother suffer decides he can no longer take the pressure and commits suicide to that every knows his name after being on "prime time news".
During the second verse of the song it shows the reaction from the kids in school who that Kelly has given a voice to cutting between between her performance performing and their emotional response and the past were he was bullied. The parts of the boy's story are shown from his perspective so that the audience can understand why it has caused him so much anguish.During the second verse of the song it still cuts between Eminem performing and parts of B Rabbit from the movie. The parts Kelly Rowland show empathy for the people she is singing for because throughout she is on the outside of the large groups or is in plain view to the audience but invisible to those around her. It looks as though she is in the same situation and does not want to be identified with those who shunned the boy towards suicide.
The performance given is quite indirect as it is almost as though she is simply recollecting instead of performing to camera through the majority of the video. however there are scenes were Kelly becomes more direct and shows real emotion in her performance as there is a part in the last chorus when she starts to cry while singing.
There is a clear link between visuals and audio as when she reaches the lyrics "the chords on his guitar" she begins to start playing an air guitar and a random electric guitar is introduced to the track.
We are made aware of what has happened as the video develops, and the video only becomes clear to those who have knowledge of the tragedy that actually took place which Kelly Rowland wrote her song about. As the song is a report rather than a standard pop song not a lot of information is given straight away to the audience in a jumbled sense before it is slowly unravelled by the lyrics that eventually match the visuals.
Wednesday, 9 November 2011
magazine mock ad
This is the initial design for Iceburg's magazine advertisement to promote his new album. It shows the artist in main focus because he is not well known enough to simply have an abstarct design with his name. New artist's have certain demands from their label and one of those is a lot of shots of them and this has been applied. The mise-en-scene is appropriate as a new style rap artist two fashion styles are used to compliment each other; he is wearing a varsity jacket to show his urban edge, he is also wearing hi tops and a check shirt which are normally ascociated with indie or pop artists. This shows the adaptibility of the artist and that he can be a versatile commodity.
The name of the artist and album are in bold and catchy colours so they immidiately stand out from the rest of the ad as they are the important factors. The release date is also in bold but is not as large so that it doesn't steal focus but still has prominance. The endorsement of music stores has also been used such as 'i-tunes' so that the reader is aware of were the product can be purchased from. Along with this there is a twitter page so that fans can follow his progress to find out about further promotional events and future releases.
Tuesday, 1 November 2011
magazine ad
the colour scheme of the background reflkects the mood of the album. As black and White is a emotional rap album the greyscale effect suits the advert which is showing the sincere sign of the artist. The centre of the picture is Wretch 32 in a thoughtful pose; this is to echoe the emotion that he is trying to convey through his music in such tracks as 'Don't go'. The font for this advert is very basic so to not distract from the artist and follow his simplistic approach.
Monday, 24 October 2011
Sunday, 16 October 2011
test shoot
on the 17/10/11 we plan to do a test shoot in two of our initial locations which is the school sixth form and the recording studio. We plan to run through the schedule to see work out how to set up for final shoot checking what camera angles work in the space given and if any lighting needs to altered. Shooting in the sixth form common room could cause some problems as we will have to consider who is on the location and could they disturb the shots. To make sure that all internal problems are avoided all equipment will be prepared before hand such as making sure the camera is charged and the lip sync track is available to be played on set.
How would you describe the target audience for this kind of music? Is there a core and secondary audience?
The target audience for our song would mainly be teenagers ranged from 13-19 as the lyrics that the artist use can relate to people of that age range as they rap about stereotypical teenage activities including parties drinking, college and girls. The audience will be mainly for boys however, as the band also come under the genre of pop, some of their tracks will appeal to female fans as well. There may be a secondary audience who are maybe a little older than teenagers from 18-23 as they can relate to some of the lyrics that the band use referencing to possible past experiences.
How would you describe the tastes and attitudes of the target audience? What other media are they likely to consume? Outline their media consumption profile.
What function does this kind of music serve to its audience (uses and gratification)?
The music gives its target audience a perspective of their lives and actions at things which the target audience participate in like parties and college for instance. The audience may be able to relate to their lyrics and videos as they show it in a humorous way which appeals to their fans.
Music fans often use music to help them construct their own cultural and visual identity - how do fans of your artist or band do this?
The Rizzle Kicks have quite a unique dress sense and wear clothes which represent the youth nowadays. Their clothing is quite eye catching and appealing and can be found in many highstreet retail shops. Many fans may watch their videos or see images of the band and try to imitate their style and clothing. One of the members of the band also uses the guitar and a certain type of drums in his videos. This could encourage fans to try and learn one of these instruments as he makes it look 'trendy' due to his style and way of playing it.
How/when/where is this kind of music consumed?
A couple of Rizzle Kicks' tracks are used in advertisements and in TV shows as they have a memorable beat which stays in peoples heads and are quite catchy. Some of their songs would also be played at house parties or at clubs. The radio is another place where the Rizzle Kicks' tracks would be consumed. The Rizzle Kicks' have their own Twitter and Facebook pages where they have over 200,000 fans where they release gig dates and single and album information. They use it mainly to promote and it's a good and easy way for their fans to consume their music.
The target audience for our song would mainly be teenagers ranged from 13-19 as the lyrics that the artist use can relate to people of that age range as they rap about stereotypical teenage activities including parties drinking, college and girls. The audience will be mainly for boys however, as the band also come under the genre of pop, some of their tracks will appeal to female fans as well. There may be a secondary audience who are maybe a little older than teenagers from 18-23 as they can relate to some of the lyrics that the band use referencing to possible past experiences.
How would you describe the tastes and attitudes of the target audience? What other media are they likely to consume? Outline their media consumption profile.
What function does this kind of music serve to its audience (uses and gratification)?
The music gives its target audience a perspective of their lives and actions at things which the target audience participate in like parties and college for instance. The audience may be able to relate to their lyrics and videos as they show it in a humorous way which appeals to their fans.
Music fans often use music to help them construct their own cultural and visual identity - how do fans of your artist or band do this?
The Rizzle Kicks have quite a unique dress sense and wear clothes which represent the youth nowadays. Their clothing is quite eye catching and appealing and can be found in many highstreet retail shops. Many fans may watch their videos or see images of the band and try to imitate their style and clothing. One of the members of the band also uses the guitar and a certain type of drums in his videos. This could encourage fans to try and learn one of these instruments as he makes it look 'trendy' due to his style and way of playing it.
How/when/where is this kind of music consumed?
A couple of Rizzle Kicks' tracks are used in advertisements and in TV shows as they have a memorable beat which stays in peoples heads and are quite catchy. Some of their songs would also be played at house parties or at clubs. The radio is another place where the Rizzle Kicks' tracks would be consumed. The Rizzle Kicks' have their own Twitter and Facebook pages where they have over 200,000 fans where they release gig dates and single and album information. They use it mainly to promote and it's a good and easy way for their fans to consume their music.
the rough ideas we came up with at the first planning stages taking into account mise-en-scene locations and concept
Wednesday, 12 October 2011
Tuesday, 11 October 2011
The questionnaire that was composed in order to develop a better knowledge of our target audience so that possible ideas of an artist and initial planning could be progressed.
1. Select your gender
Male Female
2. Select your age
13-15 16-18 19-21 22+
3. Name your favourite 3 artists/bands?
4. Which artist would you be MOST LIKELY to listen to based on genre and style?
Arctic Monkeys Rihanna Foo Fighters Olly Murs JLS 50 Cent None
5. How would you define your favourite music genre?
6. Is there a particular sub-genre which you like more than other elements of the above genre?
7. What appeals to you about this genre/sub-genre?
Lyrics Beats/Instruments Fashion Culture It's popular
8. Which music channels do you watch regularly?
I don't have/watch music channels MTV Hits MTV Base MTV Rock MTV Dance MTV Classics
9. How do you consume music?
Free downloads Purchasing physical CDs Getting free CDs from festivals Online Purchase and Download (iTunes etc)
10. How much would you estimate that you spend on music in an average year?
Nothing Less than £15 £16-30 £31-45 £46-70 £71-£100 £100-150 £151-300 £301-500 £500-1000 Over £1000
1. Select your gender
Male Female
2. Select your age
13-15 16-18 19-21 22+
3. Name your favourite 3 artists/bands?
4. Which artist would you be MOST LIKELY to listen to based on genre and style?
Arctic Monkeys Rihanna Foo Fighters Olly Murs JLS 50 Cent None
5. How would you define your favourite music genre?
6. Is there a particular sub-genre which you like more than other elements of the above genre?
7. What appeals to you about this genre/sub-genre?
Lyrics Beats/Instruments Fashion Culture It's popular
8. Which music channels do you watch regularly?
I don't have/watch music channels MTV Hits MTV Base MTV Rock MTV Dance MTV Classics
9. How do you consume music?
Free downloads Purchasing physical CDs Getting free CDs from festivals Online Purchase and Download (iTunes etc)
10. How much would you estimate that you spend on music in an average year?
Nothing Less than £15 £16-30 £31-45 £46-70 £71-£100 £100-150 £151-300 £301-500 £500-1000 Over £1000
Saturday, 1 October 2011
album art research
This album cover shows the artist; Chipmunk as this promotes his image. The artist's name is clearly visible along with the name of the album. He chooses to show his tattoos in the picture quite clearly as they may tell his story. The inclusion of his tattoos seems to be loosely linked to the album title as he has changed his style and sound from his first album 'I Am Chipmunk'.
This album by The Streets shows Mike Skinner, the main artist standing alone at a bus stop. The scene is something that would be seen in everyday life, which represents the album's content as he raps about daily activities and thoughts. The fact that he is standing alone also represents the album's content as it tells a story of his trust issues and how at one point he feels betrayed by all his friends and feels alone.
Ed Sheeran's album cover is simple like his music in he uses minimal instruments to put more emphasis on his lyrics. The cover is picture of his face as he is clearly recognizable as he is a newly established singer. Instead of the album title 'Plus' he has the symbol to represent his unorthodox style and varied style. The picture is tinted orange to typify his ginger hair.
The album 'Black And White' by Wretch 32 shows the artist centred. the name and album title are clearly visible. The concept of the cover match the album title as the colour has been removed so that it is 'Black and white'. The artist is wearing traditional 'urban' clothing with the fashionable scarf and varsity jacket his swagger reflects that of his music which is hip hop based.
Monday, 26 September 2011
Monday, 19 September 2011
Im 17 lyrics
Its rizz
Rizzle kicks rizle kicks
So to start from the start
Im a master of my art
An advance on my path with a heart full of passion
voice straight out the car
when come with hardest bars but I do it in an elegant fashion
when come with hardest bars but I do it in an elegant fashion
yeah cause its hard to break through
gotta get runnin or it… like your mates do
when everybody in your .. under rates you
its cool cus I can make do cus I know that
I got bars about loosin perception
Your boobs an exception
Your girl loves my music
But its you whose confused why she’s pregnant
the .. is a skill but the fact still
that im fabulously british like jack wills
the .. is a skill but the fact still
that im fabulously british like jack wills
but I stick to my own style
so if your don’t know my profile then
mid 8
when I walk into college with my headphones on
and listening to music, I think well
you could be walking to college with your headphones on
and(pause) well I suppose you should just
pull out your ipod flick to the playlist
rizzle kick old yellow brick now play this
stick in favourites
in fact drop the tune on your speakers piss off your neighbours
im all about noise pollution[what]
6 o clock already get the booze in
only time you won’t hear me playing music
is well pretty much when im snoozing
other than that im down for a laugh
the music’s on so allow me to dance
bun those bouncers stand with a staff
like Gandalf thinking i shall not pass
well I got my fake ID
I might stop you and be back by 3
Unless I find a girl who’s on it
Then coming back by 9 is right be me
When im walking home with a drunken swagger
I still think about my music
I think well instead going into class I could be making a banger
But hey im 17
Well rizzle what does that mean
Means that im never clean
When it comes down to music I won’t be seen
Im still 17
I’ll get to the club and do my ting
Cus of my fake ID
just pull out your ipod what track i bet its
rizzle kick old yellow brick now check this
shove it in your best friends ear like
out all my music rizzle is the best-ist
i keep my dreams dropping like tetris
then maybe in a couple years time
i'll find my rhymes are getting me reputation
money i can get a lexus
im always down for the fun
go to a party bound to some
1 for all or all for 1 i dunno
well i won't stop til im done
hold on man forget about mornings
passing out ignoring the warning
i think a kinda trait is forming
im 17
ignore the teachers
won't pay attention
couldn't care less oh did i mention
im in a bad mood so regards to forgotten hand
a special chi is a form of prevention
now i got eyes like a panda
girl on my phone line don't understand ya
something bout girl dont know dont remind argh
but can't remember
oh its samatha
out all my music rizzle is the best-ist
i keep my dreams dropping like tetris
then maybe in a couple years time
i'll find my rhymes are getting me reputation
money i can get a lexus
im always down for the fun
go to a party bound to some
1 for all or all for 1 i dunno
well i won't stop til im done
hold on man forget about mornings
passing out ignoring the warning
i think a kinda trait is forming
im 17
ignore the teachers
won't pay attention
couldn't care less oh did i mention
im in a bad mood so regards to forgotten hand
a special chi is a form of prevention
now i got eyes like a panda
girl on my phone line don't understand ya
something bout girl dont know dont remind argh
but can't remember
oh its samatha
development of music star:chris brown
Chris Brown is artist who has developed his style over the years from main stream RnB to more generic underground sounds such as hip hop dance widening his genre range.
When his debut single run it came out he was known as sweet boy with great talent as his early videos such as 'Yo' included interaction with the ladies and b boy dance moves. He established himself as performance based artist with his videos being recognised for the slick choreograhy.
When chris brown began to develop his sound he started collaborating with artists such as Chris Brown and his inconic symbol became his swagger. He chose to wear varsity jackets and big trainers which werealways noticable and this would be expected to seen in his videos such as 'Kiss Kiss' and 'Wall to wall' this was before the more drastic developments and he was still recognised for his dance ability.
After the scandal involving Rhianna Chris looked to re-invent himself as an artist and this meant changing his style. Although he had collaborated with rappers before he always chose to sing, when he released champion with chipmunk it was clear he had developed his new style. Covered in tatoos and wearing more hip hop clothes it seemed as though the sweet boy image had disappeared.
This underlined the transformation of his ocnography as he is still recognised for his amazing dance moves, like michael Jackson he seems to have re-invented himself and his style with every album but still has his trademark motifs.
Friday, 16 September 2011
Wednesday, 14 September 2011
Wednesday, 7 September 2011
video analysis
This music video is an example of creating the illusion of many locations simply by adding and removing props to follow the lyrical narrative without taking away focus. The video features the main and supporting artist snoop dogg and pharrell williams and a number of "hip hop honeys" which is only to expected as the genre is rap.
This shot shows a close up of snoop but you cannot see his eyes so this draws focus onto him and you can see the rings on his hang which purposely shows his money and swagger . This adds to his mystique as the non-diagetic sound of the slow track perfectly fits the concept of him being a gangster.
the second shot i have selected shows him doing the crip walk which is also associated with the hip hop scene. his slow dance is accompanied by the intro of the first lyrics which is simply a vowel sound. This shot almost announces his introduction to the track as we get more of a favour of the artist .
in this clip snoop is accompanied by the traditional sexualised women in very little clothing as the chorus kicks in. his slow movement is mirrored by the background dancers to reflect the lyrics which are "park it like its hot" while they all do a slow wheel movement. This shows the coolness of the video and track as the slow beat and lyric speed is not over shot by excessive dance moves or flashy effects.
By this shot we have introduced to Pharrell and a number of expensive objects and we see the Bentley which perfectly fits in with the mise-en-scene of the genre as we see rapper accompanied by attractive women and grand objects and showing little interest in either as he lays down his lyrics and plays it cool. This medium shots allows the focus to be split between the artist and the car to engage the target audience.
This extreme close up of money further plays to the stereotype of hip hop videos as we have now been given the ingredients of cars girls and money. This simplicity of this extreme of close up of money being dropped on the table suggests possible illegal activity and the song itself refers to how behave if ever caught by the police in a suspicious situation.
This is clearly a concept video as there is no straight line narrative in either the audio or visual timeline and we see only the artists and a number of different items such as cars money and women which brings to the conclusion that the concept of the video is the stereotypical life of a gangster.
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